16. Of Separation and Sanctification

16. Of Separation and Sanctification

We believe in Bible separation; That is, to be set apart from the evil of this world and set apart to the glory of God and His service; That any thought, word or deed that would hurt the cause of Christ and His Church is sinful and should be dealt with immediately and put away from the lives of each member. We believe that we’re called with a holy calling to walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit. We stand in opposition to Liberalism, Modernism, Neo-Evangelicalism, Ecumenical or Charismatic Movements. We stand unashamedly as Fundamentalist for Biblical separation from all error. (Rom. 12: 1-214: 1619-21II Cor. 2: 15-176: 14-17I Thess. 5: 22I Cor. 8: 91310: 31-33Colossians 3: 5-10I John 2: 15-17).

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